Butterfly Tile leveler (One Piece)

Butterfly Tile leveleris a new and unique piece that with a new one-piece design and easy to use, like other types of tile levelers, is used to align tile pieces next to each other and also to create regular distances between tiles.

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Product Description:

Butterfly ceramic tile leveler, sometimes known in the market as butterfly tile level, is a new product in the field of tiling tools that falls into the category of ceramic tile levelers. This one-piece aligner has tremendous advantages in its new design, which we will discuss in the following.

Ceramic tile leveler is a practical piece that uses different types to level ceramic tiles on floors, walls, and facades of buildings. In the past, time-consuming, difficult, and inaccurate processes were used to perform tile leveling operations; But with advances in the construction industry and auxiliary tools, tile aligners were designed, manufactured and used.

Reasons to use a tile leveler

In the matter of tiling, in addition to the design and color of the tiles and observing the rules, design the decoration to be set with the tiles. , Which will double the beauty and quality of the tile. One of the newest tools for leveling ceramic tiles has been developed and produced. Be.

Using a butterfly leveler to level ceramic tiles, in addition to aligning and observing the distance between the joints, has other advantages in terms of increasing the execution speed, not using tools such as leveling and hammer. Traditional methods for installing ceramic tiles usually use hammer and level blows for leveling, which must be done for each tile that is placed next to each other, which is much more time consuming in terms of leveling method. It will help the equalizer.

If the ceramic tile surfaces are accurately leveled, the state of the pool between the tiles and the ceramics will disappear. Because these points are a good place for water to accumulate during washing, which, if stagnant, will lead to the formation of bacteria and algae in the place of the tiles, and will also cause the dams to become dull and cloudy.

How to use a butterfly tile aligner

Butterfly Tile Aligner Unlike other types of ceramic tile levelers, it does not have two or more pieces and acts as a single piece. The clamps and wedges of this product are mounted on each other with a simpler design and are used. To align the tile using a butterfly aligner, we must first place half of the alignment base under the desired side of the tile and then place the second tile on the other side of the base.

After placing the tiles next to each other, it is enough to close the plastic leveling lever on both sides so that the tiles are aligned next to each other under the pressure of the base and the leveling crown. After the tile mortar has dried, the leveling crown can be broken, like a simple clamp and wedge, with lateral blows parallel to the tile line, by means of a hammer or a blow with a shoe, and the debris can be collected. What remains in the end is only order and beauty and quality of work ...

Number of levelers required for small tiles such as 30 * 30 tiles

The number of butterfly levelers required for small tiles, such as 30 x 30 or smaller tiles, is one on each side of the tile. Note that in cases where there is a number of butterfly levelers on each side of the tile, the screw leveler should be in the middle of each side. In small tiles, a number of screw tile levelers can be placed at the intersection of tiles or ceramics to increase the accuracy.

Number of butterfly tile levelers required for dimensions of 40 * 40 and 50 * 50 cm

In ceramic tiles with dimensions up to 50 x 50 cm, the number of butterfly levelers used in each tile is 2. It is recommended that the leveler be placed in these dimensions of ceramic tiles with a distance of 10 cm from the edges of ceramic tiles. In these dimensions, a butterfly leveler can be placed in the center of the tile face and a leveling lever can be used at the intersection of the tiles.
Number of tile impeller levelers required for dimensions of 60 * 60 to 80 * 80 cm

The number of butterfly levelers required for these dimensions is 3 in each face. In this way, two aligners are placed at a distance of 10 cm from each edge and the third aligner is placed in the center of the desired face.

Number of tile impeller levelers required for dimensions larger than 80 x 80 cm

In larger dimensions, one tile aligner should be used for every 20 to 25 cm of each side length.


rpco is a manufacturer of ceramic tile levelers with the best quality available in the market. The final product of this brand, in addition to having quality benefits, also has the advantage of being suitable for the price of ceramic tile levelers, and you can contact rpco experts. Get a free consultation to choose the desired product or inquire about the price of your desired tile level.
Now you can get advice or order this product through the online support of the site or by calling the numbers of the contact us section.

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